trying to change the battery on an i podHow to change a battery on an i pod?
you basiclly have to buy a new one. email or call someone from apple to find out more. there is no way you can do it yourself.
if you didnt know, the battery that came in your ipod re-charges. get a charger or plug it into your computer.How to change a battery on an i pod?
u dontHow to change a battery on an i pod?
u take out the thing and out the things in.How to change a battery on an i pod?
your better take it to a Apple store so you dont break it.How to change a battery on an i pod?
Plug the iPod into your computer. That is what charges it.How to change a battery on an i pod?
bring it to an apple store u should have warranty on it if you have had it for less than a yr but if not u might have to pay jus a little bit depending how bad it isHow to change a battery on an i pod?
iPods have built in rechargable batteries the only thing u can do is charge itHow to change a battery on an i pod?
Easy.. First obtain use of a electron microscope. (any fermialab will have one)
next youll need a heilium-argon laser to remove the old battery. be sure to cut carfully to avoid sianied soil deplunneration (quite messy). the new battery should fit right in under the sur-mount base pin. be sure not to side fumble or hit the waneshaft extension or you'll lose all memory. after the battery is in make sure the millfortrinians have not shifted. now replace the cover (provided you did not lose that tiny little screw and play away.. HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK!